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{Friday, December 28, 2001}

i'm watching this abc special on the making of a record setting domino rally, and the stress of the domino builders is fucking horrible - yet relative to see. other than that, these domino rallies are as good as watching final fantasy fmv scenes, or having sex, presumably.

my life has gotten way more dense since we last talked. my grandma was in a very jovial mood when my family came to visit her, and so that has a little relief for me to own. but other than that....... whoa! i have a deeper understanding of age, breakfast for dinner, and no dinner at all. i have put myself through self-punishment, which is a lesser word to put it in. i cannot believe the black cat that steps into to my mom's outdoor cooking area, and oh! did i tell you? I'VE GOT A GOD CHILD NOW!!! there is so much more to tell, but i have unsurprisingly forgot.

i know i'm a lot less articulate and el 'o' quent, but i still love the monkeys! really! they are one of my favorite animals. to watch, on beast wars. well, i guess he's an ape. but oh well.
posted by Jocagu 9:38 PM
last night was a real wierd night. my grandmother called our house nine times from the "home" - a place that isn't necessarily a retirement home as much as it is an old people's physical rehabilitation center. you see, my grandmother got her foot amputated a couple months ago, because of diabetes. now her 8 children have placed her under the ever-constant care of other people, this long-term hospital if you may. she hates it. we can not do very much, because of the devilry that money brings. without money, you can not buy the necessities: food, water, shelter, clothing - so obviously you need moeny to live in this western culture of ours (does that make us people of satan? that's for an expert to decide, and another story to tell O_o). anyway, she doesn't want to be sent to the philippines where she would be under the best circumstances by her daughter, my auntie faith, and he son-in-law, my doctor uncle ric. the predicament is complicated by many other ends, but it would take a long time to go any further than i have, and i'm very lazy.

so i have to get back to my final fantasy 10. it's blitzball time baby!
posted by Jocagu 3:09 PM
